Jolo Fire Disaster Relief
Sulu Fire 2018

On July 24th, 2018, a massive fire ignited in Jolo, the capital city of Sulu, an island in the Philippines’ Mindanao region. The fire burned throughout the week, destroying 2,500 houses and affecting 5,200 households, leaving at least 26,000 individuals displaced, wounded, and/or missing, and 3 of the capital’s 8 barangays (districts) in ashes. Read […]

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Tawi-Tawi Medical Mission for Peace 2018
Tawi-Tawi Medical Mission 2018

Over the course of just a couple of days, the Alegado Foundation worked alongside sixteen local agencies and several dedicated volunteers to orchestrate an all-in-one mission that served hundreds of people in the remote area of Sapa-Sapa. From minor surgeries, to personal care workshops, to consultation services and care package distribution, the mission united many […]

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